Fly Fishing NC, VA, TN, Souteast, southern states
Blue Ridge Fly Fishing Forum

The Blue Ridge Fly Fisherman's Forum is an open community of fly fisherman, fly tyers, guides and fly shops.This NC based Fly Fishing forum is provided as a community service. Our primary area of focus is the southeastern states, including NC, VA, GA, SC, TN, KY, MD there are also reports from the field from such varied destinations as MT, ME, PA, MI, CO, UT, ID, CA, WA, OR, CO, NM, AR and AK. While our main emphasis is fly fishing for brown, rainbow and brook trout we also discuss warmwater species like bluegill and smallmouth bass and an occasional venture to the salt for false albacore, stripers, bonefish and permit. This resource is your guide to fly fishing in the southeast and may prove interesting and helpful in other regions of the country. Such major tailwaters as the South Holston River TN, the Watauga River TN, the Smith River VA, are covered in our fly fishing reports on the fourm.

Other resources on the site include the Blue Ridge Trout pages as well as Woolly Bugger's fly fishing logs spanning 13 years of fly fishing in NC, VA, TN, ME, MT and CA.